Saturday, June 20, 2020

Anti-Racist Training - Module One

Thank you to staff at my school for sharing this learning opportunity:

It is FREE until June 30th!

I sat for (two or three?) hours straight today learning.

The journal prompt at the end of the first module was this:
What did you find challenging about this Module? Did you experience any insights or difficult emotions? What stood out to you as important or significant?

My response was this (edited, as it is a true journal entry):

I came into this training thinking I'm "ahead of the game," because I've been studying my own White privilege and history for two years now. Hah. I am reminded - again - that the more I learn, the more I realize I do not know. So much of America's history is hidden. So much of America's history is portrayed as something that was beneficial for others... turns out the "others" was only the White population.

When I first started watching the first cluster of videos, I felt horror and grief. I am now feeling anger. I'm enraged at THIS PARAGRAPH DELETED ... I'm angry at how I was taught. I'm angry at what I was taught. I'm even angry we still have Columbus Day, and all (?) the people I know in my personal life (including me!!) seemed to not know anything about Juneteenth until yesterday.

I want to know more. I want to DO more. I want my students to go through this with me. I want my parents to go through this with me. I want my friends and family and their friends and families to go through this training. I'm grateful to all those who helped put it together. I'm grateful for how far we've come, but I'm (a bit) obsessed with making it better. Educating myself drives me further.

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