The first two weeks at home felt a little like an extended Spring Break. Week Five brought about changes in how we're trying this "crisis" learning, and my mind and body slumped for quite a bit.
Then... we started talking about genius hour.
We made our heartbreak maps, and then brainstormed more...
This further brainstorming came from these questions: What can you do for yourself? What can you do for others? If you could choose what to learn in school, what would you learn? What would you like to improve upon? What have you always wanted to do but never had the time?
I've been here before. I've tried many genius hour projects. For two weeks. I have stuck with a few, but when I have to choose one as a model for my students, it's got to be something I can stick with.
I've found it. I've found something that's gotten me very excited to do. I feel as if my purpose as a teacher has been restored - if I can accomplish this... I'd like to make and write a personalized letter to each of my 85 students who are now high school Seniors.
Here are my steps so far...
1. Decide how to make them. I decided to use cardstock (instead of a photo or a post card).
2. Head to school to get my cardstock paper.3. Find the paper cutter on top of my desk.
4. Cut the cardstock paper - first in half vertically (5.5") and then cut the edge off (7.125").

5. Fold the paper.
6. Brainstorm the way it can look.
7. Write 2020 on five cards.
8. Write "A stitch in time..." on the front, along with drawn stitches.
9. Write "...with so much more ahead for you!" on the inside, along with more drawn stitches.
10. Create a "2020" template to trace on a window.
11. Quickly try to see if I can see through the card without opening it up again... YES. Yes I can.
12. Create a window in a piece of paper to show me how large to make the words.
13. Put it down for a bit...
Next steps...
Find a place to buy graduation cap stickers to go over the "2020."
Buy envelopes.
Buy stamps.
Keep making more.
Make personal notes in each.
Put a stamp on the back if there's still time in May (I've got a cute one).
Make sure the addresses I have are still correct.
Keep updating and filling in this chart for my students.
Blog more about it when it's all done.
Here's where I made mistakes...
- I started doing the "2020" freehand for each.
- Coming up with the saying was difficult. It used to be (front): A stitch in time... (back) of so many ahead. It just wasn't right. I know somewhere in the middle I'll mention how they'll always be part of the "fabric" of my life...
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