Saturday, August 10, 2019

Banjo Challenge 60-Day Update

I've missed a few days... yesterday due to the exhausting drive home with the camper trailer and then sleeping, another day earlier this week when I just didn't get it in, and three days when we were in Boston.

What I'm learning:
  • Practicing helps. I may not see the results NOW; they'll come in time. Repeating parts I'm really slow with (for five minutes or so!) helps a LOT.
  • I've been practicing a pull-off, so you'll hear that in the latest update to Cripple Creek.
  • When it's a new song, I suck at it for a long time.
  • I CAN get better (compare "Old Time Religion" to last time).
  • I get bored with the "old" songs I started with. I'd rather practice new pieces (even though I stink at them).
  • There's no good way to hold this thing, and I don't need the strap when I sit. (I need to wear pants so that there aren't two big ridges in my thighs after 30 minutes.
  • Thirty minutes goes faster when you've got more songs to practice.
  • I need to trim the fingernails on my left hand at least every week.
Bear with me... I'm only on Day 60!

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