Tuesday, August 13, 2019

I'm seeing white all over...

It's National Left-Handers Day, you know...

And this is what I see:


This one got to me - I changed it in my mind to "when they assume everyone is white..." I can't imagine what our BIPOC population thinks when all they see is white, white, white.

Ah! Then there was Barack Obama and his mic drop!

THIS one. This one works for me now that I'm seeing so - very - much - whiteness in my life.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Banjo Challenge 60-Day Update

I've missed a few days... yesterday due to the exhausting drive home with the camper trailer and then sleeping, another day earlier this week when I just didn't get it in, and three days when we were in Boston.

What I'm learning:
  • Practicing helps. I may not see the results NOW; they'll come in time. Repeating parts I'm really slow with (for five minutes or so!) helps a LOT.
  • I've been practicing a pull-off, so you'll hear that in the latest update to Cripple Creek.
  • When it's a new song, I suck at it for a long time.
  • I CAN get better (compare "Old Time Religion" to last time).
  • I get bored with the "old" songs I started with. I'd rather practice new pieces (even though I stink at them).
  • There's no good way to hold this thing, and I don't need the strap when I sit. (I need to wear pants so that there aren't two big ridges in my thighs after 30 minutes.
  • Thirty minutes goes faster when you've got more songs to practice.
  • I need to trim the fingernails on my left hand at least every week.
Bear with me... I'm only on Day 60!